Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Do You Know The History of NASCAR?

NASCAR, the acronym stands for the National Association of Stock Car Auto Racing.

William France originally founded NASCAR in 1948 to organize and promote racing on tracks. Several racetracks existed across the Southeast, each with their own rules and regulations. Hence, the racing sport lacked in direction. Through William France's steadfast vision, he delivered that much badly needed direction and professionalized a sport, in its time, which was considered a hobby.

As well, William France founded the International Speedway Corporation, which gave NASCAR the Daytona International Speedway in 1959 and subsequently, the Talladega Superspeedway in 1969.

Upon William France's retirement, his two sons, Bill Jr. and Jim assumed control. Bill Jr, through his vision, set the standard by which all motorsports are measured.

Currently, millions of NASCAR race fans come in droves to see NASCAR racing events throughout the U.S. NASCAR racing has to be the most heart pounding, exciting form of motorsports entertainment nationwide.

Things to Know Before Selecting One of the Best Schools in Hyderabad

In case you are planning to put your child in one of the best schools, it is important that you know about them in advance. Since the first step to right education is the first step in one of the best schools in Hyderabad, here are few things to know and keep in mind while choosing one.

The Quality of Education

One of the primary factors to select the best place of education is the quality. Many schools get recognized by the level of education and the way it's propounded in different classes. The quality also depends upon the result-oriented approach of the system in imparting education in a progressive environment. The best schools in hyderabad have adopted the designed rules to inculcate a sense of development and improvement among students.


One of the main requirements of opting for best schools in Hyderabad is academics. A variety of curriculum is in application in most of the schools. There are people. who wish to continue with country's educational system, for instance, CBSE and ICSE. However, some schools have adopted the International Baccalaureate to encourage students to pick up the Cambridge curricula. The system is increasingly adopted by the institutions to help students learn in a practical and non-theoretical way.

Activities: Sports and Extra-curriculum

If you are interested in getting your child's admission in the best schools of Hyderabad, sports and extra-curriculum is one of the crucial areas to look out for. Hyderabad has produced some of the best sportspeople in the country like. Sania Mirza and Saina Nehwal. If you are looking to seek admission in the best institution, then it is very important to choose the one which can support and offer the best sports facilities including the services of coaches and physiotherapists.

A True Learning Environment

Every parent wishes his child to join an institution, which can inculcate a sense of culture, cooperation and bond. The best schools in this city of Andhra Pradesh have played a role in changing the way the child starts thinking in any environment. Various festivities and functions round the year organized during the year are awe-inspiring. Contests and programs are helpful in bringing the inherent talent of the child to the forefront. It also makes it possible to stay in touch with the basics of life.

The best schools of Hyderabad have helped impart a system of education for students at all levels that can allow a complete exposure to their survival in future. An atmosphere created to encourage and motivate the child into exploring and absorbing the best in life is one of the main mottos. As a matter fact, many intellectuals have contributed in making a better and more fruitful environment which can improve and enhance the hidden talent and versatility in the children. The focus is on promoting thinking, learning and creative approach which instills a sense of physical, intellectual and emotional growth and development. Keep in mind that a student-friendly atmosphere is a given advantage over a teacher-friendly approach.

12 Steps to Targeting Success in Your Career or Job Search

Is your job search sagging? Are you still looking for that ideal next job? Or are you about to begin looking for new work and are not sure of the best way to go about it? What you need is a way to evaluate your job search strategies to see whether or not they are working effectively for you. Ready to get started? Here are 12 building blocks to a successful job search and the goals that will help you get to where you really want to be in the world of work: 1.) Making networking phone calls:  Effective job searches begin and end with networking. Start by making a list of everyone you know: family members, extended family, friends, present & past co-workers, faith community colleagues, barber/hairdresser, dog groomer, neighbors. Even list the clerks who work in your favorite grocery or video store, bank tellers and gas station attendants. Everyone! Call or talk to each person on your list (most people can easily produce a list of 50-100 people). Target: Make 3-5 new networking phone calls weekly. 2.) Contacting employers before openings occur:  The process of applying for a job before an opening is known to be present is referred to as "accessing the hidden job market" - and doing so is critical for job search success. By using a great on-line tool such as Reference USA to access employer information, you can mail targeted resumes and cover letters to companies that match your size, focus and sales criteria. Target: Mail 5-10 targeted but unsolicited resumes with cover letters weekly. 3.) Responding to online postings:  There are literally hundreds of sites like Monster.com, and you can pour hours and hours into searching them for job opportunities. Remember to search on multiple titles or portions of titles and to post your resume at every opportunity. Target: respond to 3-5 postings weekly. 4.) Responding to newspaper help wanted ads:  This is the favorite job seeking strategy of searchers everywhere, but guess what? Out of every 100 resumes an employer receives, they will throw away 92-95! Target: Submit only 3-5 resumes and cover letters weekly in response to help wanted ads. 5.) Identifying new employers to contact:  Find employers the old-fashioned way: in phone books, through networking leads, through word-of-mouth, in reference sources and online databases (such as Reference USA, mentioned above), through articles in local papers and through the Yellow Pages of your local phone directory. Target: Identify and research 5 new employers weekly and use them to fill your quota for #2, above. 6.) Contacting recruiters and employment agencies:   It's not appropriate for every job seeker to contact recruiters and employment agencies, but if this strategy makes sense for you, then by all means make use of them. Target: Contact 1 new recruiter or agency weekly. 7.) Making follow-up phone calls & sending thank you letters/cards:  Sending out resumes and cover letters is only the first step in the process of developing relationships with employers. About 1 ½ to 2 weeks afterward, call them to verify they received your materials and to inquire about next steps. Always follow-up on interviews and make is a habit to send thank you letters or cards afterward as well. Target: Make 5-10 follow-up phone calls weekly and send a thank you letter or card for every job interview or informational interview you participate in each week. 8.) Managing your references:  How do you "manage" references? Supply each one with a copy of each version of your resume. Keep them up-to-date on what is happening in your job search. You don't need to call them weekly, but you should generate news every few weeks at least. Give your references a copy of all the references you're using so each one can refer an employer on to someone else on the list if asked. Prepare your references by giving them background information, adjectives and descriptive words that "sell" your best stuff. Target: Contact each reference at least once per month during your active job search and contact everyone when that perfect opportunity comes along to prepare them. 9.) Practicing interview answers:   Don't just practice the night before an interview. Target: Practice your interview answers and questions at least 1 time per week. 10.) Practicing the salary negotiations process:  Ditto with salary negotiations. Target: Practice your strategies and responses at least 1-2 times per week. 11.) Staying socially connected with employed others:  Job searching is extremely lonely, so make sure you stay socially involved with family and friends. Target: Get out of the house at least 2 times weekly to see friends or extended family. 12.) Managing your attitude and energy:  This is the most important building block of all, because without a positive attitude and high, focused energy, you won't achieve the result you want. Targets: Do at least 1 fun and creative thing outside your house weekly. Why not take Fridays off (if you're unemployed) and enjoy! Absolutely, categorically don't job search on weekends. Exercise, take care of your body, and journal. Feed your mind good books and your spirit hope. Strengthen or do more of what works. Adapt, replace or fix what does not work. Reevaluate your search progress every 30 days for as long as it takes for you to find the work you really want. And, if your job search results do not markedly improve within 45 days, see a career search professional for individualized assistance.

How to Attract Attention From Women - 3 Rules to Live By

Just about every single guy wants to know more about what they can do to attract attention from women. It's something that is natural, to want to know that you have the ability to get women to pay attention to you. However, it's not always easy and I think there are many guys who can attest to that. However, you can make things a little easier on yourself if you go by certain rules that you might want to follow.

Here are 3 of those rules to live by if you want to get attention from women:

1. Attention by itself shouldn't be the goal.

Any guy can act goofy, doofy, or even flaky and get women to pay attention to them. Of course, when you get attention that way, you aren't really setting yourself up to become more successful with women. So, don't just think about how you want to attract more attention, think about ways that you can attract positive attention from females. It does make a difference. Guys who get the negative kind usually end up being dateless most of the time.

2. When you have nothing else, making a woman laugh genuinely is a good way to attract attention.

Sometimes you are going to be in a situation where you just don't know what to do to get a woman to pay attention to you. In those moments, most guys just shirk away and they go unnoticed. You don't want to do that, because that's not going to help you out at all. When you don't have anything else, going with a little bit of laughter is a good thing. At least you are going to get her to notice you and most likely, you are going to be able to find something to talk about after you make her laugh.

3. Women pay attention to men who know how to use their body language.

This is actually one of the most important things that you can figure out. There is a reason why some guys get noticed even before they say a word and that usually comes down to the image that they are giving off through their body language. When you stroll into a room looking self assured and relaxed, you can bet that some of the women in there are going to check you out. Take a look in the mirror and see if you can change your body language up so that you look like you are totally self assure and relaxed and see the difference that it makes.

Travel Insurance - Avoid Becoming a Statistic

We have all seen and read media reports and statistics about the perils of not taking out travel insurance. There is certainly plenty of information on the internet for travellers regarding the importance of insurance. Despite this, however, recent research by the Association of British Travel Agents (ABTA) indicates that one in five British travellers still neglect to take out travel insurance for their trips and holidays.

The British Foreign Office and their 'Know Before You Go' service provides excellent and free travel advice and country information to assist travellers before they set off. They also warn of the potentially dire financial consequences for those who risk setting off without travel insurance.

It appears that despite all the warnings many holidaymakers are still either unaware of the risk they are taking, or prepared to take a chance. This is a case of false economy as the cost of travel insurance is very cheap compared to the bills that could mount up over problems that arise while travelling overseas.

The ABTA research has shown that younger travellers, mainly the 15-24 age group, are the most uninformed as they believe that if anything bad happens to them while abroad the government will pick up the cost and take care of it for them. This could not be further from the truth. Many young travellers go abroad with friends, or on adventure holidays, or for Hen or Stag parties so are at particular risk. However, it is important to remember that if intoxication or rowdy behaviour result in injury, fines, or arrest your consulate or embassy cannot pay the bills for you or secure your release.

The sad reality for the families or parents of young travellers who get into trouble abroad is that they are going to receive a desperate telephone call for help and will have no option but to come up with the needed funds. The British Embassy or Consulate will go as far as making calls and contacting friends and relatives for them and advise on the transfer of funds, but that is about the extent of their assistance. The government does not cover payments for hospital treatment, nor does it pay to fly anyone home (repatriate them) or provide funds if they run out of money, get arrested, or have all their money and possessions stolen.

If a traveller is seriously injured or ill and needs to be flown home by air ambulance the costs are truly frightening - running into thousands of pounds for those who do not have adequate travel insurance.

Single Trip travel insurance can be surprisingly cheap, and even the minimum amount of cover it provides can be vital. For young travellers Backpacker policies are very affordable and still provide the necessary cover for medical treatment, liability and legal expenses. There are, of course, terms and conditions as with any type of insurance and policies differ from company to company so it is important to check. Having that insurance policy tucked in your pocket or hand luggage is not a license to act irresponsibly, or put yourself in harm's way. It is unlikely to cover incidents that are found to be related to the excessive consumption of alcohol or drug use.

The European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) provides a level of cover for emergency medical treatment in participating member countries, and it is important to carry this (free) card, along with comprehensive travel insurance - but never instead of insurance. The EHIC does not cover anything much other than emergency medical expenses, and does not cover non-urgent or follow-up care. It also does not cover the cost of medical repatriation by air ambulance, if this should become necessary.

Repatriation costs can amount to as much as £45,000 from the East Coast of the USA, up to £16,000 from destinations like Tenerife, and up to £20,000 from destinations 'down under'. Consider whether you have that sort of disposable money lying around? Most people do not!

Imagine suddenly finding yourself responsible for debt of this kind, either for yourself or for a travelling dependent. In these harsh economical times unexpected expenses of this kind would be totally devastating. Why take such a risk?

For the relatively small cost of insurance you are purchasing peace of mind and, with any luck, you may never need to use it. Consider that most travel insurance will cover costs for common and expensive travel mishaps, including:

Emergency medical treatment for injury or illness Repatriation by air ambulance Lost luggage or stolen money, credit cards and possessions Personal liability (in case of a lawsuit for damage to property or persons) Cover for Legal Expenses Cancellation of your trip (for covered reasons) Curtailment of your trip (cutting short your trip) Scheduled Airline failure Personal accident cover for death or disability

It is all too easy to spend a lot of time surfing the internet looking for cheap holidays or travel deals, but forget that it is equally important to take time to purchase travel insurance, and to check what it does and does not include. If unsure, always call and ask - don't leave it to chance.

If you are not sure whether you might decide to go river rafting, bungee jumping or skiing on your holiday it is important to ensure that you will be covered for these activities and, if necessary, purchase additional cover.

Avoid being tempted to opt for the cheapest policy that you find on a comparison site. Take the time to check that you are getting adequate levels of cover for your money and that all your planned activities are covered. A very cheap policy may have cut the levels of cover where you most need it, or raised 'excess' levels (the amount that you contribute towards a claim) in order to tempt you with a cheap quote.

If you plan to make more than one trip in a year it is sensible to save money by opting for the Annual Multi-trip policy as this will work out cheaper in the long run.

Having an accident or mishap while on holiday is often unavoidable, and always inconvenient. However, facing financial ruin and becoming a statistic because you neglected to take out travel insurance is something that is completely avoidable!

What Does Travel Health Insurance Cover?   Best Gifts for Jetsetters   

The Importance of Personal Liability Insurance

Personal liability insurance, also referred to as personal umbrella insurance, is another product we use to keep our assets in tact. Since we live in a litigious society, we believe that it's a good strategy to have an insurance policy that can withstand a financial blunder caused by a lawsuit.

What is personal liability insurance?

Your homeowner's and auto insurance policies have added liability protection within their contracts. If you are found negligent in a situation where someone was injured, your liability protection will pay for things like personal medical bills, rehabilitation, lost wages, etc.

However, the coverage amounts are relatively low and can be quickly exhausted depending on the severity of the other party's injuries.

Protection from a personal liability umbrella insurance policy will trigger once the liability protection from your other policies are no longer sufficient. It gives you and your assets added protection.

How about an example of where this policy is important?

Let's say Bill injures Anne in a car accident. Due to the severity of Anne's injuries, she is now disabled and cannot return to work. Her medical bills are $50,000.

Good news and bad news. Good news: Bill's auto insurance policy has liability coverage of $50,000. Bad news: Do you think Anne and her attorney will only go after $50,000?

Not likely. Remember...

She can no longer work and provide for her family. She can no longer fund her retirement. She has ongoing medical bills she will have to pay because of her disability. Along with financial hardship comes emotional distress.

So if you consider her lost wages for 20 years, medical bills, retirement, and personal therapy, you're looking at the possibility of millions of dollars. If Bill doesn't have personal liability insurance, then his assets are exposed.

So what does exposed mean? They could go after your house, cars, boat, bank accounts, 401k, etc. Any asset owned under your name is at risk.

But you don't even have to be "physically" involved in the scene of the injury to be at risk. If someone gets injured at your home and you are held liable of the damages, then your assets are at risk if you don't have sufficient coverage.

This article isn't meant to scare you. It isn't meant to invoke fear. We encourage you to take preventative measures. We want to inspire you to take action in protecting your wealth. Like putting on your seatbelt in a car, an umbrella policy is an additional layer of protection.

My wife and I have an umbrella policy that provides $5 million in excess, above the coverage that our home and auto policies provide. We only pay $531 a year for the policy. As you can see, the premiums are relatively low.

So, consider the benefits from these policies. Use an umbrella policy to cover your assets. Remember...sometimes when it rains, it pours.

Thank Goodness I Have an Umbrella! So What Is It?   The Need For Umbrella Insurance   Why You Should Consider Umbrella Insurance   A Great Reason to Get a Personal Umbrella Policy - Your Car Is a Lethal Weapon!   Income Protection Insurance: A Boon for the Salaried Class   

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